On May 20, 2014, the voters of Jackson County approved the formation of a Special Library District, breathing new life into our 15-branch public library system. With dedicated funding, Jackson County’s public libraries have a promising future and so do our patrons!

The Jackson County Library District (JCLD) is an independent unit of local government dedicated to library operations in Jackson County. The library system operates as Jackson County Library Services.

The District is governed by an independent, unpaid Board of Directors elected by the local community.

Board Personnel

Board of Directors


Viki Brown, President


Position 1 (Term Ends: June 2025)

Marta Tarantsey


Position 2 (Term Ends: June 2025)

Susan Kiefer


Position 3 (Term Ends: June 2027)

Marissa Barrientos Shepherd


Position 4 (Term Ends: June 2027)

Kevin Keating


Position 5 (Term Ends: June 2027)



Kari May, Library Director
kmay@jcls.org(541) 774-6401

Yoli Diaz, Executive Assistant
ydiaz@jcls.org(541) 774-6406

Mailing Address

Jackson County Library District
205 S. Central Ave
Medford, OR 97501

Board Meetings

The Jackson County Library District Board meets regularly on the third Wednesday of each month at the Medford Branch Library, 205 S Central Avenue. (Due to COVID-19 precautions, Board Meetings may be held via online video conferencing.) The agenda for the upcoming meeting is typically posted the Friday before the meeting. Occasionally, the Board may have special meetings to discuss specific topics or public hearings as required by law.

See recorded board meetings HERE.

Agendas for those meetings, as well as the packet of supplementary information prepared for each meeting, will also be posted below with the associated meeting. Once meeting minutes are approved by the Board, they will be posted below.

Budget Committee

The Jackson County Library District’s Budget Committee consists of the five members of the local governing body and an equal number of citizens at large. The citizens are appointed by the governing body and serve terms of three years. Terms are staggered so that one-third of the appointed terms end each year.


A public meeting of the Jackson County Library District will be held on June 17, 2024 at 4:00pm at the Medford Library, 205 South Central Ave, Medford, Oregon. The meeting will also be available via Zoom video conference. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 as approved by the Jackson County Library District Budget Committee.  A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at the Library Business Office, 205 South Central Ave, Medford, OR, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday or online at jcls.org This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year.

A copy of the budget document, this notice, and additional information will be posted above and may be inspected or obtained electronically during the above noted meeting(s).

The date, time, location and agenda of Budget Committee meetings are posted online in the JCLD Calendar.

Citizen Members

David Mathieu, MedfordTerm Ends: December 31, 2026
Doug TownsendTerm Ends: December 31, 2026
Arti Kirch, MedfordTerm Ends: December 31, 2025
Cathy de Wolfe, MedfordTerm Ends: December 31, 2026
Echo Fields, AshlandTerm Ends: December 31, 2025

Resources for Budget Committee Members

Forms and publications about Local Budget Law can be found online in the Oregon Department of Revenue’s Forms and Publications Library.

Included below are links to publications for Budget Committee members and anyone interested in learning more about local budgeting in Oregon.

Fiscal Years 2015-2021

RFP’s & Bids

Invitation to Bid

Phoenix Library Pollinator Garden and Beehive Implementation – Invitation to Bid
Bid Results
Bid Form
Responses to Questions
Bid Addendum 1
Bid Addendum 2

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by:

Crystal Zastera, Operations Coordinator
Jackson County Medford Library
205 S. Central Ave
Medford, OR 97501

UPDATE: All bids are due by 2:00pm PST, Friday, March 14, 2025


JCLD – RFP for wifi hot spots for offsite patron use

2022–2026 JCLS Strategic Plan


I am pleased to present to you the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan for Jackson County Library Services. The past two years have been abnormal in so many ways, with our lives – and library services – disrupted by COVID-19 and by the devastating wildfires that impacted Jackson County in 2020. It’s nice to be able to look towards the future and envision where library services can best meet the needs of our communities over the next five years.

The strategic planning process included community engagement in a variety of ways from participation on the steering committee to a community survey and several focus groups. While we were unable to meet in person to gather information, we enjoyed connecting with people via Zoom for the focus groups, and hearing your voices in the comments left on the community survey. The planning process also generated organic conversations and connections with potential community partners that demonstrate, once again, how much our libraries are valued.

Our mission is to connect everyone to ideas, information, and each other, a mission I hold dear to my heart. I look forward to implementing the strategies put forth on the following pages, which reflect the direction our community asked us to take.

Kari May, Library Director


In September 2021, the Jackson County Library District engaged Library Strategies to help facilitate
a strategic planning process. The District’s previous plan was set to expire at the end of 2021.
During the previous 5-year planning framework, the District had undergone numerous changes,
as well as experiencing the challenges and difficulties of providing service during the COVID-19
pandemic. The new strategic planning process, in cooperation between the District and Library
Strategies, was designed to foster extensive community engagement and input to ensure that the
changing library needs of residents continue to be met in the future. Presented here is an overview
of the process, major findings, and the high-level goals and strategies of the new plan.