Go beyond books, with Things! Things can be reserved on your schedule for future dates, like when you’re ready to tackle that big project, or are planning a special gathering, not just when you’re next in line. Enjoy your new world of possibilities and browse the catalog now! Just remember to Log In first to see item availability.


Checkout Periods: Up to 21

Liability: Item value and service fee

Checkout Limits: 2 Items Out

You can view the Library’s full circulation policy on the policy page.




Can I pick up an item from any Branch?

Yes! When reserving your item(s) you can choose which branch you’d like to pick your item up at. Once ready your item(s) can be picked up any time during open hours. Items can also be returned to any branch during open hours. It does not need to be the same branch the Thing was picked up from.

Is same-day pick-up available?

At this time, same-day pick-up is not available. You will be notified when the requested Thing is ready to be picked up at the branch you specified.

How many Things can I borrow at once?

You may have two Things checked out at a time. The lending period is up to 21 days on Things and 42 days on Book Club Bags. Checkouts may not be renewed.

Can anyone check out a Thing?

Anyone who has a Full-Service Library Card in good standing, is over 18 years old, can provide valid ID with current address, and has completed the lending agreement form may use the Library of Things catalog.