Jackson County Library Services acknowledges that its libraries are located within the traditional lands of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, and the Modoc Nation; as well as the Shasta, Takelma, and Latgawa people, whose descendants are now identified as members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

These Tribes were displaced during rapid Euro-American colonization, the Gold Rush, and armed conflict between 1851 and 1856. In the 1850s, discovery of gold and settlement brought thousands of Euro-Americans to their lands, leading to warfare, epidemics, starvation, and villages being burned. In 1853 the first of several treaties were signed, confederating these Tribes and others together – who would then be referred to as the Rogue River Tribe. These treaties ceded most of their homelands to the United States, and in return they were guaranteed a permanent homeland reserved for them. At the end of the Rogue River Wars in 1856, these Tribes and many other Tribes from western Oregon were removed from the land. Most were sent to the Siletz and Grand Ronde Reservations. The Modoc were sent to Oklahoma after the Modoc War in 1873. The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians defied removal and remained in the region.

The result of forced relocation and genocide is that Jackson County is no longer a population center for these specific tribal groups. As of the 2020 Census 4.6% of the population of Jackson County has some indigenous heritage—while this is more than twice the national average, it is a precipitous reduction from the pre-colonial 100%. We acknowledge that indigenous groups are too often relegated to the historical past when, in truth, indigenous people are essential members of the Jackson County community.

We take this moment to recognize the Indigenous people whose traditional lands are where residents of Jackson County live today. JCLS is committed to fostering understanding, deep respect, and honor for Indigenous people, and we encourage you to learn more about the land you reside on.


More about Land Acknowledgments: 

land acknowledgements are used to acknowledge that the land on which we live is the ancestral homeland of people who were here prior to Euro-American colonization from time immemorial and whose descendants are members of our community today. It is also a way for those listening to see themselves within the broader context of history. It is a way to make a commitment to righting wrongs. To hear a Native American perspective on the practice of land acknowledgement click here: #HonorNativeLand. If you want to learn more about the JCLS land acknowledgement process click HERE

More about Tribal Groups: 

The JCLS land acknowledgement recognizes multiple tribes, some whom were forcibly removed from the land and are now identified by the name of the reservation to which they were removed rather than their original tribal names. The current federally recognized tribes mentioned have active websites that you can explore to learn more. 

Further Reading from JCLS Librarians: