Business Resources
Whether you are developing a new business, or need help with one that already exists – we got you covered. Below you will find resources from how to start a business, to meeting rooms to bring your ideas to life, and everything in between. Need help with something more specific? Feel free to talk with our Business Librarian!
Business Research
The Business Librarian is trained to help small businesses, nonprofits and job seekers find the information they need to make decisions.
Get help with:
- Developing a new business or nonprofit
- Working through challenges of a current business or nonprofit
- Planning a grant seeking strategy
- Locating job-seeking resources
- and much more!
You can also call 541-734-3992 to make an appointment.

Meeting Rooms
JCLS meeting rooms are available at no charge to the public. A current JCLS library card is required to book a meeting room. If a group is from out of the area, a JCLS non-resident library card may be purchased.
Small Business Resource Guide
Find the info you need to create a new business, or pivot an existing business.
Business and Industry Statistics
Market share info for specific industries
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - U.S. Census Data and Statistics - Statistical Abstract of the United States - Census Business Builder: Determine the Best Location for Your Business - Thomas Net - United States Census: Statistics of U.S. Businesses
Income Statistics
Current labor statistics by industry
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics - Industry standard pay rates - MIT Living Wage Calculator - Bureau of Labor Statistics: Overview of BLS Statistics on Employment
Resources to learn about capital and land acquisition
- Farmland Information Center - SOU – Selecting an Enterprise for Small Acreage - Oregon FarmLink
Economic Indicators
Consumer and spending information
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index - Bureau of Economic Analysis: Personal Consumption Expenditures by State
Money and Interest Rates
Statistics for informed spending
- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Daily Selected Interest Rates - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Money Statistics
Trade Statistics
National product availability and U.S. standing in global economy
- Bureau of Economic Analysis: International Economic Accounts - United States Census: USA Trade Online
Consumer Statistics
Financial indicators about your future customers
- Consumer Credit - Consumer Product Safety–Statistics
Customer research based on demographics and travel
- Explore Census Data - Bureau of Labor Statistics - Oregon Department of Employment - Jackson County Roads: Road Volume Files
Production and Sales Statistics
Product and sales planning
- Bureau of Economic Analysis: Consumer Spending - Bureau of Economic Analysis: Gross Domestic Product
Products and services being searched by location
Track your research geographically
- Google Trends – find what is being searched now by category, location (country, state, city), and date filters - Maps – create layered maps to track research
City and State Resources for Jackson County, Oregon
Local resources to support small businesses
- Ashland
New Business Information
- Central Point
Business Resources
- Eagle Point
Business Resources
- Gold Hill
Business Resources
- Jacksonville
Business Resources
- Medford
Business Resources
New Business Licenses
Search for Businesses
- Phoenix
Business and Development
- Shady Cove
Planning Department: New Business Guide Brochure
Secretary of State – Oregon
Business search and registration
- Find a Business - Business License Services - Business Records & Statistics (including nonprofit) - New Businesses Registered Last Month
Jackson County Roads
Consumer travel data
- Jackson County Roads: Road Volume Files
Small Business Administration
Business planning guide
- Business Guide
Small Business Antiracist Resources
Contributing librarians have worked together to create a guide for business owners, entrepreneurs and students who are interested in creating equitable, diverse and inclusive places of business for all. Small business has a big impact on local communities. Provided here are resources to create equitable impacts on local communities.
Articles & Reports
U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism
How Monique Melton is Helping You Be An Antiracist
Google Think Tank Search
*Search tool for weblinks to public policy information from universities, government, advocacy groups, foundations, and non-governmental organizations.
Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters
Anti-Racist Organizational Change for Nonprofits
Training and Resources: Anti Racist Organizational Development
Provides resources relevant for any organization, including the important
self-assessment questions organization leaders should be asking.
Anti-Oppression LibGuide: Identifying Our Biases
Describes what bias is, and explores biases inherent in people and technology.
The Business Case for Racial Equity: A Strategy for Growth
The Competitive Advantage of Racial Equity
Developed in partnership with PolicyLink and funded by the Ford and W.K. Kellogg foundations
Workshops & Training
Achieving Racial Equity in Your Workplace: A Guide for Leaders
Author: Michael A. Burkart
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do
Author: Jennifer L. Eberhardt
The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Increasing Diversity in Your Organization
Author: Crystal Byrd Farmer
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
Author: Robin DiAngelo
Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm
Author: Robin DiAngelo
Fearless Commerce
Author: Shawntera Hardy
How to Be an Antiracist
Author: Ibram X. Kendi
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America
Author: Ibram X. Kendi
American Indian Business: Principles and Practices
Author: Deanna M. Kennedy
Race and work
Author: Karyn A. Loscocco
On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope
Author: DeRay Mckesson
So You Want to Talk About Race
Author: Ijeoma Oluo
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor
Author: Layla F Saad
Native American Entrepreneurs
Author: Ron Sheffield
Contributing Librarians
Thank you to all of the Librarians across the United States who have contributed to this guide.
Chelsea Barrett
Business Librarian / Reference Coordinator
Seton Hall University-Walsh Library, New Jersey
Amelia Cohoes
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Librarian
Hennepin County Library – Minneapolis Central, Minnesota
Elanna Erhardt
Business Librarian
Jackson County Library Services, Oregon
Sarah Fouts
Reference and Instruction Librarian
Columbus State Community College, Ohio
Laura Kohl
Director of Library Services
Douglas and Judith Krupp Library – Bryant University, Rhode Island
Nancy Lovas
Entrepreneurship and Business Librarian
University Libraries at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tim Tully
Business Librarian
San Diego State University Library & Information Access, California
Non-Profit Resources
Nonprofits are an important part of the Jackson County economy, and have many of the same needs as small businesses. However, nonprofits do have some unique challenges.
One unique resource for nonprofits is the Foundation Directory eResource.
The Foundation Directory empowers you to connect with the right foundations to strengthen community services at your organization. Access over 140,000 foundation profiles. View giving subject focuses, and LinkedIn connections to officers and directors to grow your nonprofit network. And find each foundation’s history of giving to individual nonprofits. With this powerful tool at your fingertips, you can begin the path toward successful grant writing.
Foundation Directory (Available in-library only)
Nonprofit & Grant Seeking Research Guide
The world of nonprofit startups and organizations is very different from small business. This guide lists the resources you need to begin the journey of creating a nonprofit, or find tools to succeed in your existing organization.
Who is eligible to write a grant, and win grant funding?
Generally, registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply for grants. However, groups or individuals with a vested interest in an issue can occasionally find eligibility to apply for some grants. Some groups seek fiscal sponsorship from established 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Some groups qualify if the work they are doing aligns with the missions of specific foundations. There are a lot of variables, and this resource list will help you navigate.
- IRS: Charities and Nonprofits
There are many nonprofit legal status options. Each one functions to serve a specific purpose. This guide defines all tax-exempt legal statuses and describes their benefits and limitations. - The Only Grant Writing Book You’ll Ever Need
If you are new to grant writing, this is a great guide to what grants are and are not, who should write grant proposals, how, and the planning process involved. - Government Grant Applicant Eligibility
If you have never written a government grant, this resource offers some guidance on where to begin. - Grant Writing: An Intensive Series
Watch a recording of a grant writing course given at the library several years ago. There are four recordings, each lasting about an hour. - Foundation Directory Online
This database is a great resource for learning about foundations, their funding priorities and past funding.
What is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization?
The IRS defines 501(c)3 organizations as federally recognized organizations that are tax exempt, and eligible to receive tax deductible contributions in accordance to specific codes.
National Council of Nonprofits
The National Council of Nonprofits offers a definition that may be easier to digest. “Charitable nonprofits embody the best of America. They provide a way for people to work together for the common good, transforming shared beliefs and hopes into action. They give shape to our boldest dreams, highest ideals, and noblest causes. America’s 1.3 million charitable nonprofits feed, heal, shelter, educate, inspire, enlighten, and nurture people of every age, gender, race and socioeconomic status, from coast to coast, border to border, and beyond. They foster civic engagement and leadership, drive economic growth, and strengthen the fabric of our communities. Every single day.”
Both of these definitions are accurate. The IRS highlights the legal and financial structure, while the NCN highlights the social structure.
How do I start a nonprofit organization?
NOLO Starting and Building a Nonprofit: A Practical Guide
NOLO guides are great for learning legal structures and processes. They can be read as a reference source, or cover to cover if you are studying to be as prepared as possible.
How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation
Learn how to form a nonprofit corporation in any state and gain 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status with the IRS.
Nonprofit: Start And Manage
A customized booklist of items available from JCLS.
Training Webinars
State & Federal Resources
Local Nonprofit Resources
These organizations are focused on Southern Oregon and offer smaller grants that may be easier for small nonprofits to obtain:
Nonprofit Guidance & Advice
These organizations do not offer grants, but rather advice and best practices for nonprofit management.
Financial Information Resources for Families and Individuals
Everyone needs information about how to manage our financial wellbeing. The resources listed here are
designed to help you along your way as you plan for your future, support a family, recover from financial fraud
or natural disasters, etc. The information here was curated with guidance from FINRA (Financial Industry
Regulatory Authority) and the ALA (American Library Association).