On Monday, April 19 JCLS is moving to a new online catalog. You can learn more about the change in our press release, but here we wanted to offer some answers to questions we know our patrons might have.
Why are you changing to a new catalog?
We are upgrading our catalog to help you find library resources more easily. Our new catalog is more than just a tool for searching for library materials. It is designed to provide easy access to all the resources the library offers, from downloadable content to learning databases to information about library and community events. We believe it is the best tool for our community now and moving forward.
Will my library account on the new catalog have my current information?
Yes, patron information, including records of materials checked out and items on hold will be transferred into the new catalog. If you have chosen to save your reading history in the current catalog and wish to ensure that you have a copy of this, please click here to find out how to create a printout.
Will I need a new library card?
No, your current card will continue to work in the new system; no change is necessary.
What about my library PIN?
Since we are transferring to a completely new system, in the interest of privacy PINs will not be imported. The library will reset all PINs to the last four digits of the primary phone number listed on your account, which you will be able to update once logged in. If you do not have a phone number on file or experience issues, please call your local library branch for assistance. Find hours and contact information here.
Will the PIN change affect my Library2Go/OverDrive login?
Since this service uses the same PIN as your account in the catalog, the information above also applies to it. Your login for Library2Go/OverDrive will be the last four numbers of the primary phone number listed in your account. If you change your PIN using the catalog’s reset feature, or have a library staff member do so, that will become the new PIN for Library2Go. If you have trouble logging in please contact us for help.
When will this change take place?
The new catalog will be live on Monday morning April 19th. On Sunday evening, April 18th, at 5:00 pm, the catalog will be unavailable until the change is complete.
How will I find the new catalog?
Our former catalog will redirect patrons to the new URL, catalog.jcls.org. This address can be entered into your internet browser on April 19 to navigate to the new catalog as well.
Will my information be kept private?
Yes, both JCLS and ByWater Solutions, the administrator of our catalog, take your privacy very seriously. Only information necessary for a functioning library account is kept in our system, and all sharing options in the catalog default to private. Read our patron confidentiality policy here.
How does the search function work in the catalog?
The search works much like what you are used to when searching Google or Amazon, with suggestions and spell correction available and keyword searches that return the most relevant information first.
Will I still be able to make suggestions for purchase by the library?
Yes, you can suggest a purchase when logged in either by going to your account, or using the link displayed when the library does not own a copy of the item searched for. Suggestions for purchase will continue at the level of four per patron per month.
If you have questions that are not answered here, please call your local branch library, or email circulation@jcls.org. For questions about downloadable content in the catalog, call JCLS Digital Services at 541 734-3990 or email digitalservices@jcls.org.