Meeting Rooms
As the information center for its communities, Jackson County Library Services (JCLS) encourages the free expression of ideas essential to an informed citizenry. The offering of meeting room space in library facilities is one of the many methods used to provide access to ideas representing all points of view on all subjects. Meetings and programs held in library meeting rooms must be free and open.
JCLS meeting rooms are available at no charge to the public with a JCLS Full Service library card in good standing. A library card is required to book a meeting room. If a group is from out of the area, a JCLS non-resident library card may be purchased.
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Meeting Rooms
Most branches offer at least one large community meeting room that can be reserved independently of the library’s open hours (see After Hours Use ) Reservations must include any setup or teardown time needed.

Study Rooms
Most branches have multiple smaller study rooms, holding 2–10, people that are great for tutoring or study sessions. These rooms are only available during library open hours.

Booking a Room
To book a meeting or study room visit the branch page to pick your space and schedule your reservation.
Reservation Schedule
Space is available to the public on a first-come, first-served basis and may be reserved up to three months in advance. The number of reservations is limited to 5 per month per library card.
Meeting Rooms must be booked four days in advance, while study rooms can be booked the same day. Both meeting rooms and study rooms are booked on a first come first serve basis.
Library programs, library related organizations, and library sponsored events have priority in the use of meeting and study room spaces. JCLS reserves the right to reschedule confirmed room reservations to accommodate library meetings or events. JCLS will strive to avoid such conflicts and will work to provide an alternate solution.
Room Use Policies
Before booking a room, please review our full Room Use Policy. Here are some highlights to get you started:
Permission granted to meet in a library meeting room or study room in no way constitutes endorsement by the Library of the policies or beliefs of any group or organization. No group may list JCLS as a host, partner, or sponsor without prior express written permission from the Library Director or designee.
Any printed or electronic advertisement or notification of a meeting to take place at the Library must include the disclaimer: This meeting or event is not sponsored nor endorsed by the Library. Failure to include the disclaimer will result in cancelation of the meeting room reservation.
If the event booked in the meeting room(s) are not sponsored by the library, inquiries from the public about the meeting will be directed to the person who made the meeting room(s) reservation. The information that JCLS will share with the public is contact name, phone number, and email address.
After Hours Use
For meeting room access when the library is closed, the meeting organizer must pick up a key before the event. Arrangements are to be made at each branch location. If you are a first-time, after-hour meeting room user, be prepared to spend a few minutes with library staff when arriving to pick up the key to learn about how to lock up the building. Failure to return the key immediately after the event may result in charges including rekeying the branch.
Authorized Representative
An authorized representative of the group reserving the meeting room must remain on the premises throughout the period for which it is reserved, or until the meeting ends. At least one adult must be present at any meeting of youth under 18 years of age.
Food & Drink
Food and drinks with lids are permitted in meeting rooms, but alcoholic beverages are not allowed in or on library property unless a special use request has been approved (see Special Use below).
Setup & Configuration
Individuals and organizations using meeting rooms are responsible for room set-up and returning the room to its original configuration. Library meeting rooms must be restored to their original clean condition, including layout of tables and chairs, and users of library meeting rooms agree to pay for any damages to library property.
Most libraries offer free parking. The Medford Library parking lot is controlled by the City of Medford and has strictly enforced time limits.
Rules of Conduct
Users of the meeting and study rooms are subject to the JCLS Rules of Conduct during and after library open hours. Meeting and study room privileges may be revoked for non-compliance with JCLS policies and all posted library rules.
Use of the premises may be prohibited or terminated at any time if the conduct of the group interferes with staff work or patron use of the library, is disruptive to library service or patrons, or is abusive or dangerous to the building, library materials, exhibits, furnishings, or individuals in the building.
If you need to cancel your reservation, you can use the cancel link in the confirmation email (if applicable) or call the arranging library.
Special Use
With special permission, JCLS may make its facilities available for non-standard usage, that is, usage that goes beyond standard meetings, trainings, and other such events.
Special Use permission must be requested no later than 30 days prior to the event by submitting the permission form linked below.
Requestors should be aware that purchase of an insurance rider shall be required for non-standard usage.