All across Jackson County, members of our community who believe in the importance of books, education, and libraries for people of every age, step forward to gift us with their time, dedication and enthusiasm.

Volunteers assist us in enriching programs and providing meaningful and ever-expanding services to the citizens of Jackson County. We are proud of our volunteers and view them as ambassadors for the library; communicating by their volunteerism that their local library is a valuable asset and encouraging others to utilize the library as a community learning and information center. 

Volunteer Needs

Branch Description Time Needed
Medford (At Home Services)
  • Deliveries (*Driver’s License Required – Will need the use of your own car)
  • Craft and Home kits assembly
Monday-Friday – Morning (8am-11am) Afternoon (12pm-2pm), Mid-Afternoon (3pm-5pm), Evening (6pm-7pm)

How to Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering please fill out the application below and one of our staff will be in touch with you shortly.

Volunteer Portal

If you are a current volunteer and need to log your hours, please use your email address and password to login to our volunteer portal.


What steps do I take to become a volunteer?

Complete an application and submit the form online or turn in a paper application found at any branch. 

  • The Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to set up an interview. Together you will determine an assignment that fits your skills, interests, and the needs of JCLS.
  • The Volunteer Coordinator will check references. Applicants over the age of 18 are required to submit to a criminal background check.
  • New volunteers will attend volunteer orientation, then meet with their volunteer supervisor for hands-on training and to create a schedule.

Is there a time commitment for volunteers?

Most of our volunteer positions require a minimum commitment of three months. Much of the work we do in the library requires training and an investment of staff time so we ask for a regular, ongoing commitment.  If you are looking for short-term or one-time opportunities, other organizations may be able to help:

Volunteer Match
The United Way of Jackson County
Pacific Retirement Services: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

Will I be trained?

Yes! Your volunteer supervisor will work with you to make sure you have the information and training you need to do your tasks.

What if I don’t like my current assignment? 

If you feel that the tasks you are given are not a good match for you, notify your volunteer supervisor and we will work with you to find a placement that better fits your needs.

What are the age requirements to be a volunteer?

The minimum age to be an independent volunteer with Jackson County Library Services is 12 years old. Youth who are 11 years and younger may volunteer if accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian who has completed a criminal background check and is a registered volunteer.

Will I have a set schedule?

In order to plan work assignments in response to workload, most volunteer positions have a set schedule through our Volunteer Management Platform, Volgistics, or a printed schedule to log your hours. If having a schedule does not work for your circumstances, positions may be available that are more flexible.

Can I complete service hours for school?

Reach out to your high school counselor/advisor. Each branch and each department has different needs and some are able to accommodate and supervise high school internship and service hours.   

Can I complete community service hours that are court-ordered?

Unfortunately, the Library is unable to accept court-ordered volunteers. The volunteer program at the library is looking for people who want to make a minimum commitment of three months. Most court-mandated volunteering does not fit into this structure.