Library Cards
About your Library Card
You probably already know that having a library card means getting access to over 400,000 titles in our collection. But it also means digital downloads and streaming, access to wireless hotspots, dozens of online research and learning services, and our Library of Things, which includes a growing collection Kindle eReaders, instruments, and much more. There are also no late fees, signup fees, or program fees. If you’re a local, the only time you might see a fee is if an item was lost or severely damaged while in your care. The more content you use, the bigger the value you get!
There are several different kinds of library cards offered and some have specific requirements to qualify. Different types are discussed in the Card Types box on this page. A regular, Full Service library card gets you access to everything the library has to offer in physical and electronic form. It allows for up to 21-day loan and renewal periods for up to 60 items at a time and allows for 25 active holds. In order to qualify for a Full Service Card you must be a resident of Jackson County and present identification along with your application. If you do not have the required identification you may receive a Temporary Card which allows you to borrow two items and return with identification later.
Examples of proof include:
- Driver’s license
- County tax bill
- Utility bill/bank statement with your physical address
Get all the details in the Circulation Policy.
Non-Residents may also apply for a library card that provides full library access to everyone in their household. There is an annual fee for this type of card.
Grab an application below or sign up online!
Using Your Card
Once you have your library card you can use it to borrow items from our extensive collection, reserve meeting rooms, and even get discounts at special events. You’ll want to know your card type, as different services are available for different cards as described in the Library Card Types listing below. In general here are some tips that apply to most library services:
- Held physical materials will be available for pick up for 7 days.
- Most materials have a 21-day checkout – unless otherwise specified.
- RCC materials can be checked out with a JCLS card.
Card Types and Applications
Full Service
A Full Service card is your all-access pass to the library and its numerous resources, be they physical or electronic. It is designed for Jackson County residents who are checking out materials for their personal use.
Minors will need authorization from a parent/guardian before receiving a Full Service card.
Organization Card
Educators and members of organizations in Jackson County can apply for a card with full borrowing privileges and a six-week loan period. Patrons must have an existing Full Service library card and must provide proof that they are part of an organization/education institution to be eligible. These cards expire annually on the issue date.
Minor Access Card
If you are 17 years old or younger you need your parents’ permission to get a Full Service Card. If you can’t get permission from a parent or guardian or if you visit the library with a caretaker, a Minor Access Card is the card for you! Minor Access cards allow for check out of 2 items at a time and access to our digital services.
If you do not live in Jackson County, but still want access to all the services offered by the Library, this is the card choice for you. You will need to establish proof of identity and address. This is the only card type with a membership fee. Patrons requesting this card will need to come to a library or speak to a staff person; this card cannot be made online.
Cards created online are good for 30 days, at which point they will need to be verified. Until verified they can be exclusively used for electronic resources offered by Jackson County Library Services, such as Library2Go, Hoopla, and our online databases. To verify your card and continue to use services, simply visit one of the JCLS libraries in person and present your identification and proof of residency within 30 days. You will be given a physical library card which will give you access to all of JCLS’s services, including the digital services you’ve already been enjoying.
If you already have a JCLS library card, then you already have online access and you will be blocked from creating a duplicate account. Contact your local library to find out your existing library card number.
If you are a non-resident, you will not be able to sign up online. If you cannot sign up in person, contact the library of your choice or email to find out how to gain access.
Sign up for an Online card
Cards created online are good for 30 days, at which point they will need to be verified. Until verified they can be exclusively used for electronic resources offered by Jackson County Library Services.
Online Card Sign Up
How do I get a Library Card?
Fill out an application and present it at any one of our branches along with one form of identification that matches the Jackson County address on your library card application. If this cannot be provided, other documentation showing their Jackson County residency can be accepted in addition to your ID.
We can also accept digital copies of these documents; just show us the info on your phone!
If you are 18 or older and you cannot produce identification with a current address at the time of registration you will be issued a New Resident card which permits you to borrow two items at one time until you can complete the process to receive a Full Service card.
If you are not a resident or own property in Jackson County you may apply for a Non-Resident Card.
What happens if I lose my card?
Notify your library. You will be given a new card with a new card number. The old number will be voided. If you have the old number saved on your computer it will not work anymore.
How many items may I check out?
Borrowing limits vary by card type:
Full Service Card: Sixty (60) items may be borrowed simultaneously. Some materials, such as DVDs and magazines, have more restrictive borrowing limits.
Temporary New Resident Card: Two (2) items of any type of circulating material may be borrowed simultaneously.
How long may I keep materials?
Each loan period is 21 days. Interlibrary loan periods are determined by the lending library, and the due date will be specified on the slip accompanying the book. Materials will not be due any day that your home library branch is closed, either because of the branch schedule or for a holiday.
Are any materials still subject to overdue fines?
JCLS and RCC do not charge overdue fines, but late Inter-Library Loan items accrue fines at a $1 per day. If an item is kept for 21 days past the last due date the replacement cost will be assigned to your account. When the item is returned that fine goes away. If the item is permanently lost or damaged beyond repair, the patron is responsible for paying for the item.
Library of Things items are charged to accounts after being overdue for 5 days.
How much are fines for overdue materials?
There are no overdue fines on library materials. However, if an item is out for more than 21 days past the due date, the library will assume it is lost and replacement costs will be charged.
May I renew an item?
Yes, nearly all materials are renewable for two borrowing periods beyond the original 21-day borrowing period. Exceptions include magazines, some special DVD collections and items that are on hold by another patron. Items will renew automatically but if you notice that your item did not renew when you think it should have, contact your library.
May I renew an Interlibrary loan item?
Interlibrary Loans may be renewed only with prior approval of the owning library. Call 541-774-6421 to inquire about renewing Interlibrary Loan materials
Must I return items to the branch at which I checked them out?
You may return items to any Jackson County Branch Library, or to the Rogue Community College Library.
May I use someone else’s card?
Cards are non-transferable. You may use someone else’s card ONLY if you are checking out materials on their behalf. You must have the other person’s card or card number. Staff will not be able to assist you without that information.
What happens if I lose or damage an item?
You will be asked to pay for damages or the full replacement cost at the discretion of library staff
What happens if I don’t pay replacement cost fees?
If overdue items are not returned within 21 days the library assumes they are lost and the replacement cost of the item will be assigned to your account. If you still have the item, all you need to do is return it and the fine will go away. If you have lost the item or damaged the item beyond repair, we must ask you to pay the replacement cost.
Our fine threshold is $25. If your fines are greater than that you may not check out physical items but you may still use public computers and digital services. You may pay your fines down gradually if you wish.
May children have their own library cards?
Yes, children of all ages may have their own card. When applying, children and teens 17 and younger will need to have a parent or guardian present, and the parent or guardian will need to present identification and documentation (described above) proving residency OR payment of property taxes in Jackson County. Parents are responsible for any charges incurred on a child’s card.
If you are a minor and you are unable to get permission from a parent/guardian you are eligible for a Minor Access Card which will allow you to borrow 2 items at a time. Minors who are 12 and younger may not use public computers in the library.
If you are a minor and you come to the library without your parent or guardian, we may offer you a Minor Access card to use temporarily until you can get parental permission.
Can I check my account online to see what I have checked out or the status of my hold request?
Yes. Go to and click on “Account”. Input your library card number and PIN/password. If you don’t remember one or both of these items, you will need to stop by any branch library with identification so we can assist you in resetting your PIN/password.
What if I recently moved to Jackson County and do not yet have proof of residency?
New residents to Jackson County may register for a temporary library card by presenting a completed library card application and two pieces of identification at any JCLS branch. The
temporary card expires in 60 days and may be upgraded to a Full Service card when the cardholder provides proof of residency within Jackson County. The library can assist in obtaining proof of residency upon request. The temporary cardholder may access all library services but will be limited to borrowing two items at a time.
I don’t live or own property in Jackson County but want a full-service library card because there is a branch close to my house. Do you have any options for me?
Non-Residents cards are available to persons living outside of Jackson County who do not meet the residence/property ownership qualifications for Full Service cards, but who wish to have the privileges of the Full Service borrower. Non-residents must establish proof of identity and proof of address. The fee for the Non-Resident Card is $100 per year, or $10 per month, per household. Every person in the household may have a library card for the single fee. “Household” means a group of individuals who comprise a family unit and who live together under the same roof. There is no reduction in the fee for small households. The fee is not refundable and cannot be prorated.
I understand the non-resident card fee covers people in the same household. Can you provide further clarification on who would be eligible for the card once the fee is paid?
“Household” means a group of individuals who comprise a family unit and who live together under the same roof. Jackson County Library Services will issue a library card to each family member living at the same address when the household pays the non-resident fee. This includes both immediate and extended family members. People who are not part of the family unit would not be eligible for their own card.