JCLS is excited to introduce our newest resource Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep! It provides test and career support for students and professionals of all types, all for free with your JCLS library card.
High School Student?
Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep helps you prepare for standardized tests, like the ACT, SAT, AP, CLEP, etc., and your college experience. Find in-depth information on undergraduate and graduate programs, tuition and scholarship assistance, and more.
College Student?
Peterson’s helps you prepare for the GRE, LSAT, NCLEX-PN/RN, PTCE, and more. Find in-depth information on graduate programs, tuition and scholarship assistance, interviewing, and networking advice.
Starting or changing careers?
Peterson’s Test helps you prepare for a variety of vocational entrance and license exams in areas such as cosmetology, real estate, law enforcement, social work, nursing, aviation, hospitality, IT, and more. Find in-depth information to help you build a standout resume, write a strong cover letter, and nail the interview.
Job searching?
Peterson’s helps you brush up on your job searching, interviewing, and networking skills. Plus, use their resume builder to create visually interesting resumés, cover letters, and websites that can be externally shared with prospective employers.
Whether a student or a professional, Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Prep can support you in embarking on new paths and achieving your goals. Explore today!