“The Teenage Brain: Impacts on Despair, Homelessness & Substance Abuse”
Ashland, Oregon (January 30, 2025) – What is unique about the development of teenage brains, and what is different about teens’ experience of despair, homelessness, and substance abuse? Hear from Mary Ferrell, Executive Director of the Maslow Project, and Lacey Corbett, MA, Clinical Supervisor of the Maslow Project for insights into how teens navigate those types of challenges. Join them for a discussion on Tuesday, February 4 from 4:00 – 5:30 PM at the Ashland Library.
Mary Ferrell is the founder and Executive Director of Maslow Project, www.maslowproject.com. Born and raised in Medford, she graduated from Southern Oregon University and began working with homeless children and families through the Medford School District in 2000. After doing that work for several years, Ferrell saw the need for a “youth-centric” one-stop resource center where kids and families could quickly and easily access essential needs and support services all in one location. She founded Maslow Project as a grassroots effort in 2006 and earned 501(c)3 nonprofit status in 2009. Ferrell has initiated and developed programs including housing, outreach initiatives, and school-based programs that achieve an average of 92% on-time graduate rates year after year. She has served on numerous boards addressing housing, children and family services, and civil rights and is currently a Governor-appointed member of the Oregon Housing Stability Council.
Lacey Corbett, MA, LPC is a licensed therapist in Oregon. She obtained a bachelor’s degree at Southern Oregon University and a master’s from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. She provides therapy services to youth and families at Maslow Project (those experiencing houselessness), Lotus Rising Project (LGBTQ+), and Family Solutions (local high schools). Her experience includes the development of a Drop-in, Open Art Studio at Maslow. In addition to operating a private practice, she provides clinical supervision for Maslow Project case managers and brings a deep understanding of the unique challenges youth and families face in Southern Oregon. Other specialty areas are ADHD, trauma, grief and loss, anxiety and depression.
The monthly Big Ideas discussion series features prominent local experts speaking on relevant and timely issues affecting our community. Lectures are jointly sponsored by the Ashland Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and Jackson County Library Services.